

Posted By: July 12, 2024

Irish Congressional Briefing Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus “This headline makes depressing reading. Where is the Unionist/Protestant leadership? And imagine the explicit terrorism and anti-Catholicism of ‘A.T.A.T (All Taigs are Targets).’ The very same 1969 attitude that led to the eruption of The Troubles—shoot the Catholics and burn them out.” —Fr. Sean McManus […]

Prime Minister’s change of heart on Border Poll

Posted By: July 09, 2024

Irish National Caucus welcomes Prime Minister’s change of heart on Border Poll Irish Congressional Briefing Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus Tuesday, July 9, 2024. “This analysis by the BBC is to be greatly welcomed. And Prime Minster Starmer deserves kudos for changing his previous erroneous position on the Border Poll. He is off […]

“Honor vow to scrap the Legacy Bill”

Posted By: July 08, 2024

IRISH CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus MC CORD KEEPS UP HIS MIGHTY CAMPAIGN Renowned, respected, and hugely effective Belfast Protestant Raymond McCord, Sr., victims campaigner, holds new Labor government to its promise—a promise by which history will judge the Labor Party and Labor Government, not to mention Irish-Americans and their friends […]

Posted By: July 06, 2024

  May 2018. Rep. Boyle’s office.  *************** July 6, 2024 IRISH CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus CONGRESSMAN BRENDAN BOYLE (D-PA) HOLDS NEW BRITISH PRIME MINISTER TO HIS PROMISE ON REPEALING AND REPLACING AMNESTY ACT Congressman Brendan Boyle— a long-time signed-up Congressional Friend of the Irish National Caucus— has sent us a copy […]

Posted By: July 05, 2024

  July 5, 2024 “…changed, changed utterly: A terrible beauty is born.”—WB Yeats. Northern Ireland Elections CAPITOL HILL. Friday, July 5, 2024— Even the very pro-British media is forced to admit a seismic change has happened in the Six Counties of Northern Ireland, and, therefore, for all of the 32 Counties of Ireland. BBC NI declares: […]

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