
Inquests into 11 killings are halted on eve of Legacy Act

Posted By: April 30, 2024

  IRISH CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus “Although the amnesty also applies to others, everyone knows it’s all about British soldiers and British agents, and their political bosses. In other words, it’s all about the King-in-Parliament, or the Crown-in-Parliament, to use the official, formal language.”—Fr. Sean McManus. Inquests into 11 killings […]


Posted By: April 29, 2024

  FOR RELEASE ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 2024   Wednesday, May 1, 2024, will go down in history as the day the conservative government of Great Britain officially washed their hands of justice for thousands of victims of the Troubles in Northern Ireland and England. Inquests, investigations, prosecutions, and civil actions are no longer allowed by […]

Critics question British “public history” of the Troubles project

Posted By: April 26, 2024

  IRISH CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus “Can anyone believe the British Government’s ‘history’ of its conduct in Ireland, or, indeed, in any part of the British Empire? Did the Empire tell the truth about its torture of President Obama’s grandfather in Kenya? Will England now tell the truth the truth […]

Posted By: April 26, 2024

  IRISH CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus “This is wonderful news from brilliant Belfast campaigner Ciaran MacAirt. He and his colleagues over many years have heroically spoken truth to power about the State-sponsored and State-cover-up of McGurk’s Bar Massacre.”—Fr. Sean McManus PRESS RELEASE FROM CIARAN MacAIRT. FOLLOWED BY IRISH NEWS ARTICLE. […]

THE present crisis in Unionism offers the opportunity for a new beginning.

Posted By: April 24, 2024

    IRISH CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus “Northern Ireland Unionists/Loyalists/Protestants should listen to the plain talking and inexorable logic of Brian Feeney’s article.” —Fr. Sean McManus. Unionists got to know when to hold ’em – and know when to fold ’em Brian Feeney. Irish News. Belfast. Wednesday, April 24, 2024. […]

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