
Washington Committee Formed for Launching of Fr. Mc Manus’s Memoirs

Posted By: January 10, 2011

Co-Sponsored by Irish EchoCapitol Hill. Sunday, January 9, 2011 — The Irish in the greater Washington, DC area have rallied together to form the “Washington Irish Committee” for the launching and signing of Fr. Mc Manus’s Memoirs: My American Struggle for Justice in Northern Ireland.The Memoirs will be published in Ireland in March by Collins […]

Great News for Human Rights in Northern Ireland

Posted By: January 06, 2011

Rep. Chris Smith is Back as human Rights Chair CAPITOL HILL. Wednesday, January 5, 2011 — One important consequence for Ireland of the Republican takeover of the U.S. House of Representatives is that Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) is again going to Chair a Subcommittee on Hunan Rights — as he has done before when he […]

Ballymurphy Campaign Comes to Capitol Hill

Posted By: December 10, 2010

Capitol Hill. December 9, 2010 – Three relatives of the eleven people slaughtered by the British Army in the Ballymurphy Massacre have taken their campaign for justice to Capitol Hill. The Massacre took place in the immediate aftermath of Internment, August 9,1971.Fr. Sean Mc Manus, President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus, said: “ […]


Posted By: November 27, 2010

FR. MC MANUS ON THE NEW CONGRESSIrish EchoNovember 10, 2010 The American democratic system is undoubtedly the finest in the world. However, every two years it causes the Irish National Caucus to “ reinvent thewheel” – or at least the Caucus stationery.You see, since 1980, we list on our letterhead the names of the “CongressionalFriends […]


Posted By: November 26, 2010

Editor in Chief, Fr.Drew Christiansen, claims to,“ bear psychic scars inflicted by the organized defenders of injustice”. (“Of many things”. November 22). It’s a pity he didn’t get some of those scars from exposing and opposing British injustice against Catholics in Northern Ireland. As the former Director of the Office of International Justice and Peace […]

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