
Fr Mc Manus On His Visit to Garnerville PSNI Training Center

Posted By: September 07, 2006

FR. MC MANUS ON HIS VISIT TO GARNERVILLE PSNI TRAINING CENTER Thursday, September 7, 2006 On Thursday, August 17, 2006 I spent three and a half hoursvisiting the Garnerville PSNI Training Center. My visit was urged, and arranged, by the Special Envoy forNorthern Ireland, Dr. Mitchell Reiss. Dr. Reiss made the argument to me that, […]

Fr Mc Manus on the Death of Fr Faul

Posted By: June 22, 2006

IRISH NATIONAL CAUCUSPRESS RELEASE Father Mc Manus on the Death of Fr. Faul CAPITOL HILL. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 2006 — Fr. Denis Faul was theclassical old-style Irish Catholic priest: very educated anderudite, doctrinally orthodox and socially conservativeHe was tailored made to become a leading Bishop? Why, then, didthat never happen? There is only one possible […]

UDR Collusion Exposed; Not Only Brits Covered Up

Posted By: May 03, 2006

IRISH NATIONAL CAUCUSPRESS RELEASE UDR COLLUSION EXPOSEDAND NOT ONLY BRITS COVERED-UP CAPITOL HILL. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2006 —“We have been saying iton Capitol Hill for over 30 years. And it is important to stressthat it was not only the Brits who covered-up”. That is how Fr. Sean Mc Manus, president of the Capitol Hill-based Irish […]

The Legacy of the Hunger Strikes

Posted By: March 03, 2006

The Legacy Of The Hunger Strikes Bobby Sands and nine other republican prisoners died on hungerstrike in Long Kesh 25 years ago. What became of those whosurvived? Melanie McFadyean finds seven of them and asks: was itall worth it? Saturday March 4, 2006The Guardian In a layby on a country road a few miles outside […]

Open Letter to Dr Mitchell Reiss

Posted By: February 22, 2006

BUSH’S IRISH DOUBLE STANDARD— REAL OR PERCEIVED — AN OPEN LETTER TO DR. REISSFROMFATHER SEAN MC MANUS , PRESIDENT , IRISH NATIONAL CAUCUS Dr. Mitchell ReissSpecial Envoy for Northern IrelandU.S. Department of State2201 C St., NW Washington, DC 20520Wednesday, February 22, 2006. Dear Mitchell, This is ” An Open Letter” As you know, I have […]

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