United Ireland inevitable, says DUP backer Katie Hopkins

 Leona O’Neill . Belfast Telegraph. Monday, November 6, 2017

Katie Hopkins has revealed she is a DUP supporter – but believes it is only a matter of time before Ireland is reunited.

In a typically frank interview, she revealed she was “increasingly torn” about Northern Ireland’s future in the UK.

She was also critical of the continuing deadlock at Stormont, accusing MLAs of stealing taxpayers’ money.

Hopkins said she had an affinity for the province as it would have been the first place she would have been posted to had she not been kicked out of Sandhurst Military Academy for not disclosing she was an epileptic.

The outspoken columnist was speaking ahead of the release of her autobiography, Rude.

Dubbed the most hated woman in Britain, Hopkins is no stranger to controversy.

Her views on everything from working mothers to Muslims have led to death threats, a libel case, and her sacking.

Speaking to the Belfast Telegraph, she said: “The DUP increasingly have a role here in British life. I find the DUP and our transfer of cash to them was a curious thing. But a lot of what they stand for seems to be fairly sensible politics in my book. I am a supporter.”

Yet Hopkins revealed she has serious doubts about Northern Ireland’s future as part of the UK.

She added: “I don’t think that Northern Ireland will remain part of the UK. I can’t imagine a time where we continue the divisions of countries according to lives that don’t seem to make sense anymore.

“As much as I am a huge patriot and a defender of the United Kingdom, you watch Catalan (sic) and Spain, you see how passionate the Catalans are, and you hear Scotland, and you can’t help, given the way I feel about Brexit, think that you are either a supporter of independence or you are a hypocrite. I am increasingly torn.”

She was particularly critical of the deadlock at Stormont.

We have been without a functioning Assembly since January, and Hopkins had a sharp message for our politicians. “The situation with Stormont is dreadful,” she said. “Government money is not money, there is only taxpayers’ money.

“Any person who takes any taxpayers’ wage and sits at home or doesn’t do their job is stealing from the taxpayer.

“As an outsider, what I want to do in Northern Ireland is to get all your politicians in a room together and tell them to stop being such a divisive bunch of idiots and work out how they are going to make it happen.”

Her book was officially released yesterday.