The Holy Land Principles: A powerful tool for justice and peace:SOUTHERN CROSS SOUTH AFRICA

Posted By: June 06, 2014

The Holy Land Principles: A powerful tool for justice and peace

During his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the pope of surprises gave the world an unexpected powerful message. 

Pope Francis stops in front of the Israeli security wall in Bethlehem, West Bank, May 25. (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano, pool)

Pope Francis stops in front of the Israeli security wall in Bethlehem, West Bank, May 25. (CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano, pool)

On his way to celebrate Mass in Bethlehem, Pope Francis suddenly got out of his popemobile and walked toward the towering concrete Israeli-built barrier that divides Israel from the Israeli occupied territory of the West Bank.

In a highly symbolic scene, with Israeli soldiers in a tower above him, Pope Francis touched the separation wall, and prayed with head bowed at precisely the spot where spray-painted messages cry out, “Pope we need some 1 to speak about Justice Bethlehem look like Warsaw ghetto” and “Free Palestine.” Then he touched his forehead to the wall.

“This wall is a sign of division, that something is not functioning right,” said Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi. And Pope Francis’ prayer there, “signifies for me his desire for peace, for a world without walls.”

The Sustainable Investments Institute states that barriers—including the separation wall and border crossings, lack of access to proper government permits, and discrimination—make the prospects grim even for Palestinians able to obtain gainful employment in Israel.

According to The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, even Palestinian citizens of Israel often face discrimination in work opportunities, pay and conditions.

To help correct the discriminatory challenges faced by Palestinians, Irish-born American Father Sean McManus has put forth the Holy Land Principles (

In the tradition of the Sullivan Principles, which were developed to counter racial workplace discrimination in South Africa during the apartheid years, Fr. McManus launched in 1984 the MacBride Principles – a corporate code of conduct for American companies doing business in Northern Ireland.

Fr. McManus explained to me that the MacBride Principles campaign is widely considered the most effective tool against anti-Catholic discrimination in Northern Ireland.

He said he is hoping that the fair employment practices outlined in the Holy Land Principles – which are nearly identical to the MacBride Principles – will be adopted by all 546 American companies doing business in the Holy Land.

“American investment dollars should not subsidise anti-Palestinian discrimination in the Holy Land. American principles must follow American investment – everywhere,” said Fr. McManus.

The eight Holy Land Principles in summary call on companies operating in Israel and Palestine to adhere to equal and fair employment practices in all areas without discrimination, to actively recruit underrepresented employee groups, and to work with governmental and community authorities to eliminate ethnic, racial and religious disparities in government spending on education, training, access to health care and housing.

During his pilgrimage to the Holy Land Pope Francis said: “There is a need to intensify efforts and initiatives aimed at creating the conditions for a stable peace based on justice, on the recognition of the rights of every individual, and on mutual security.”

The adoption of the Holy Land Principles will help do just that.



About Tony Magliano

: US-based social justice columnist