RTÉ receives negative feedback over North’s absence from map of Ireland

Posted By: September 05, 2017


“RTE’s Taliban-like desecration of Ireland’s map is appalling and deeply offensive. Just as this Fermanagh man has stopped using the term “Free State,” out of respect for the Irish peace-process and Good Friday Agreement, RTE (“Ireland’s National Television and Radio Broadcaster”) goes and commits the ultimate act of Free State-ism. Even Cromwell did not try to make a part of Ireland disappear.”—Fr. Sean Mc Manus


complaints were logged by RTE over its use of a map 
of Ireland on which the north was conspicuously absent

Bimpe Archer. Irish News.Belfast.Tuesday, September 5, 2017
MORE than 200 complaints were logged by RTÉ over its use of a map of Ireland on which the north was conspicuously absent.

The broadcaster confirmed the extent of the negative feedback it received yesterday.

“A total of 203 complaints have been received in relation to the data map used on The Late Late Show segment on

Ireland’s Health Divide on Friday night,” a spokesman said.

“RTÉ will respond to these complaints within 20 days, in keeping with RTÉ complaints procedure established under the Broadcasting Act 2009.

“In addition, 33 viewers contacted RTÉ Information offering negative feedback.”

The appearance of the map on Friday night’s The Late Late Show prompted a storm of criticism from nationalists both north and south of the border, as well as some more mocking comments on social media.

Among the joking suggestions were that the image represented an ‘after’ picture following last month’s serious flooding or a future Brexit hard border.

RTÉ has insisted that the map was merely serving as a visual representation of the 2016 census results which consists of data solely from the Republic.

However, that has not satisfied critics who branded it “deeply offensive” and “rank partitionism.”