Rep. Kasich Insults Irish-Americans Denigrates Irish Peace

Posted By: March 29, 2013

Washington, D.C., May 18, 1998 — Irish-Americans are outraged by Rep. John Kasich’s (R-OH) insensitive dismissal of the Irish peace process.

Yesterday, Rep. Kasich appeared on T.V. on Fox News on Sunday. The Congressman made a blanket rejection of President Clinton’s foreign policy and said he could not support it. “In so doing Congressman Kasich, therefore, rejected President Clinton’s foreign policy on Ireland,” said Fr. Sean McManus, President of the Irish National Caucus, the Capitol Hill-based Irish lobby.

“Without President Clinton’s vision, courage, and leadership, there would not be a Peace Agreement in Ireland. If Congressman Kasich had any respect for the concerns of

Irish-Americans, he would not have made such a contemptuous dismissal of President Clinton’s foreign policy. Irish-Americans are deeply offended and will not accept such a disrespectful dismissal of their concerns for justice and peace in Ireland,” Fr. McManus concluded.