Martin McGuinness: Unionism has “psychological problem with reconciliation”

Gareth Gordon BBC News.  November 23, 2016

Martin McGuinness has claimed some unionist leaders have a psychological problem with reconciliation.

His comments came during the launch of a Sinn Féin document on reconciliation.

He called for mature leadership from unionists and said that reconciliation could not be a one-way street.

Mr. McGuinness added that he was often approached by nationalists and republicans disappointed that Sinn Féin’s efforts on reconciliation do not appear to be reciprocated.

“I have tried to address what I think is probably a psychological problem inside the heads of some unionist leaders in relation to ‘is this a trick by Sinn Féin, is this a ruse by Sinn Féin?’,” he said.

“When in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

“I am clearly saying to the leaders of unionism that we can all be involved in reconciliation without giving up our aspirations or our political allegiances.”