Letter to Senators Byron L. Dorgan and Harry M. Reid

Posted By: March 29, 2013

Senators Byron L. Dorgan and Harry M. Reid
U. S. Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
December 15, 2004

Dear Senators Dorgan & Reid,

Irish-Americans are very interested to learn that you plan Hearings
on, among other things, contract abuses in Iraq.

We have a particular interest in this because of our efforts to
rescind the 293 Million-Dollar contract awarded by the Bush
Administration to infamous ex-British army terrorist, Lt. Col.
Timothy Spicer, of Aegis Defense Systems. Please see enclosed our
Press Release, ” Tear Up That Contract, Mr. Bush”. (1)

Spicer’s army unit terrorized the Mc Bride family in Northern
Ireland in 1992 when they gunned down young, innocent and unarmed
Peter. And although the two soldiers were found guilty of murder,
Spicer continues to terrorize the Mc Bride family by brazenly
defending the murder, and he campaigned to have the two soldiers
allowed back into the British Army.

Yet U.S. Army spokesman, Maj. Gary C. Tallman said Spicer ” had an
impeccable career in the British army”, then adding he did not know
anything about Spicer’s background. (“Mercenary Hits It Big”,
Robert Pelton Young. Los Angles Times, Thursday, June 24, 2004.
Copy enclosed). (2)

When he left the British Army, Spicer became a gun for hire,
notching up a troubling record in Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone
and elsewhere. Equatorial Guinea has issued an arrest warrant for
Spicer and other like-minded mercenaries.

The Irish National Caucus’s campaign led to a major article in The
Washington Post,” U. S. Contract to British Firm Sparks Irish-
American Protest”(copy enclosed) (3), and to Senators Clinton,
Kerry, Kennedy, Dodd and Schumer writing to Secretary of Defense,
Don Rumsfeld. I enclose a copy of this letter (4), plus a report on
the dismal response of the Department of the Army, ” Pentagon
Circles The Wagons round Spicer Deal”, Ray O’ Hanlon, Irish Echo,
November 17-23, 2004)). (5)

I have amassed a ton of information on this issue, much too much to
enclose. I would be very willing to meet with you, or appropriate
members of your staffs, to discuss this.

Irish-Americans feel deeply offended by the Spicer -contract. The
Bush doctrine states, ” If you fund a terrorist, you are a
terrorist”. Yet President Bush has funded this infamous terrorist
with the largest-ever contract, ignoring American companies much
longer in the security business, than Mr. Spicer and without his
terrible baggage.

I look forward to an early reply. Thank you.


Father Sean Mc Manus

Father Sean Mc Manus
Irish National Caucus
P.O. Box 15128
Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C. 20003-0849