Irish-Americans welcome Special Envoy appointment

CAPITOL HILL. Saturday, May 7, 2020—Irish-Americans—particularly those long involved in promoting equality, justice,  and peace on the whole island of Ireland—are pleased that a new Special Envoy has been re-appointed for Northern Ireland/The North, after a long interval.

Fr. Sean Mc Manus—President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus—said: “We welcome this appointment—and that a grandson of County Mayo is the new Envoy. On Friday, February 14, I raised the issue at the State Department, when we brought Raymond McCord to meet with the Ireland/Northern Ireland Desk. Even though the political parties themselves have to move forward positively and seriously, I hope Special Envoy Mick Mulvaney will be an added and needed help. However, in particular, the Unionists/Protestants must face the reality that Brexit has changed everything. So, too, have the demographics: the artificial majority created by the 1920 London Government of Ireland Act no longer exists in The North/Northern Ireland. … So, the constant refrain “ the majority in Northern Ireland” wants to be ruled from London no longer applies. Furthermore, Scotland (the real connection with Britain for so many Protestants/Unionists) is likely to be independent before all of Ireland. … And that, too, changes everything from a Unionist perspective, or at least should.”
Fr. McManus concluded: ”Whatever happens, the way forward is to build up The Beloved Community— as taught by Blessed Martin Luther King. Jr.—in unity, non-violence, and equality; free from all discrimination and gerrymandering, in solidarity,  with liberty and justice for all.”