Fermanagh-born Priest Meets Pope

Posted By: April 14, 2018



Fr. Jim Mc Manus and Pope Francis

Capitol Hill. Friday, April 13, 2018— Fr. Jim Mc Manus, CSsR, a native of the parish of Kinawley, County Fermanagh, recently had the honor of meeting Pope Francis.

Currently stationed in Perth, Scotland, Fr. Mc Manus explains below the context of the meeting. He is a brother of Fr. Sean Mc Manus, President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus.
Fr. Jim Mc Manus explains context:
“I belong to an international group of priests who were commissioned by Pope Francis on Ash Wednesday 2016, during Mass in St. Peter’s,  to be Missionaries of Mercy. 

Pope Francis told us that he was concerned for the many good people who live without peace, because of some guilt or shame caused by a sin in the past and, for whatever reason, they are now living without real joy in their spirit. A simple, sincere turning to God and asking for the experience of his mercy heals the broken heart and restores joy.  He emphasized this again when he spoke to us on Tuesday with these words: “Truly, we must acknowledge that God’s mercy knows no bounds, and with your ministry, you are a concrete sign that the Church cannot, must not and does not wish to create any barrier or difficulty that may hinder access to the Father’s forgiveness. The “prodigal son” did not have to pass through customs: he was welcomed by the Father, without obstacles”.

Pope Francis invited all the Missionaries of Mercy to a three-day conference in Rome, to spend time with him in prayer and reflection, to be spiritually refreshed ourselves,  and to listen to some good teaching. He gave us a  talk for an hour and then he invited each of us to come forward so that he could shake our hands and thank us personally our work in helping others to become more aware of the unfailing mercy of God.”