Raymond McCord’s statement

Posted By: September 04, 2023


Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus


Raymond McCord’s statement on behalf of the Truth and Justice Movement

“Let us not forget this Bill has been rejected by the victims, victims groups, every political party in Ireland, every political party in the UK (except the Conservatives), every political party in the EU, every political party in America, the Irish National Caucus and other Irish-American groups; and also the United Nations.”

Monday, September 4, 2023.

“This week in Westminster could see Royal Assent being given to the biggest abuse of human rights in the history of the United Kingdom: The Legacy Bill. If that happens it’s still certainly not over. Court challenges will no doubt take place.


We are going into the institution of British democracy to watch the Conservative government destroy our democratic and human rights of truth and justice. A laughingstock we’ll be around the world. The so-called British democracy removed at the stroke of a pen by a government in crisis and their lackeys on the benches of power.


Our cross-community victims group, the Truth and Justice Movement will be in the public galleries of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. We will be visible to those voting to either punish the victims and reward the murderers of thousands of innocent men women and children with an amnesty or reject the Conservatives’ position of appeasement to murderers and ‘legally’ covering up the State’s involvement with terrorists and State Agents in thousands of murders.


Let us not forget this Bill has been rejected by the victims, victims groups, every political party in Ireland, every political party in the UK (except the Conservatives), every political party in the EU, every political party in America, the Irish National Caucus and other Irish-American groups; and also the United Nations. Are we all wrong and the Conservatives right?


The Conservative government is now the guardian of terrorists and murderers and the enemy of the innocent victims and human rights.


No Conservative government or any government will defeat the victims of the Troubles in Northern Ireland and England in our quest for truth and justice. WE WILL HAVE JUSTICE. EVERY VICTIM DESERVES IT WHILE THE CONSERVATIVES WANT TO DESTROY IT WITH LIES AND DECEIT.


Will the Conservatives be able to look us in the eyes and tell us again that this shameful Bill will help us, or will they tell the truth? A party without honor and honesty.”