McCord Calls on former Lord Chief Justice Morgan to Resign as Chief Commissioner of ICRIR

Posted By: May 26, 2023




Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus

McCord Calls on former Lord Chief Justice Morgan to Resign as Chief Commissioner of ICRIR

The leading campaigner against the British government’s “legacy plans,” Belfast Protestant Raymond Mc Cord,  has issued the following statement to the Irish National Caucus for dissemination.

Thursday, May 25, 2023.

“I am calling upon our former Lord Chief Justice Sir Declan Morgan to resign his new post as Chief Commissioner of the Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery (ICRIR).

Victims being retraumatized again by the murderers of their loved ones telling their versions of the murders. The murderer is now put before the victim and above the law. Appeasement and cover-up are not how this diabolical twisted form of reconciliation and justice helps victims and survivors.

Nuala O’ Loan has got it right; the Bill is totally wrong and should be scrapped. Where are our politicians at the minute? They need to get together as one voice and stop this. Will they?

What a message and statement it would send to the British government if our former Lord Chief Justice Sir Declan Morgan would stand with the victims and refuse the job that destroys the truth and justice system of international law and legal obligations!

I found him as a man with integrity and a friend of victims. Now, unfortunately,  I have to say that with his acceptance of the post he has stabbed victims in the back.  Simply put, he either supports victims and survivors— and all the political parties who have rejected this Bill of Appeasement and Shame— or he supports the end of truth and justice as he knew it as a senior member of our judiciary. If he does not resign, his legacy will be destroyed.”