Judge vows to facilitate Kincora abuse trial amid attempts to block case

Posted By: February 25, 2022


Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus


“As we continue to keep the Richard Kerr-Kincora issue before Congress, we welcome today’s pledge by the High Court judge in Belfast to ‘move heaven and earth’ to facilitate Richard’s case—after years and years of State delay, obstruction, and cover-up. As we keep saying, if American citizenship is to mean anything, Congress must support Richard, a Belfast Protestant, now an American citizen living in the great State of Texas. And his Congressman, Colin Allred, should surely be leading the way. And all Irish-Americans worth their salt must show solidarity with Richard.”—Fr. Sean McManus.



Judge vows to facilitate Kincora abuse trial amid attempts to block case

A 60-year-old plaintiff has detailed a litany of alleged abuse during his time spent at institutions in the 1960s and 1970s, including at Kincora boys’ home.

Alan Erwin. Belfast Telegraph. Friday, February 25, 2022.

A High Court judge has pledged to “move heaven and earth” to facilitate any trial into claims that a former resident at a notorious Belfast boys’ home was trafficked for sexual abuse.

Mr. Justice McAlinden declined to list Richard Kerr’s action for hearing at this stage amid uncertainty over attempts to have it struck out.

He expressed a reluctance to book a two-week “chunk” of the court’s diary next year at the risk of denying a slot to other litigation.

But the judge vowed: “As soon as it is in a state of readiness, I will move heaven and earth to get the case listed and to provide a date that will be set in stone and the plaintiff can confidently rely on being met.”

Mr. Kerr’s lawyers were pressing for a confirmed trial hearing into allegations that a pedophile ring subjected him to years of rape and molestation in a campaign covered up by the State.

The 60-year-old, who spent more than two years at the Kincora home in the east of the city, is seeking damages against the Department of Health, the Northern Ireland Office, the PSNI, and the Home Office.

His lawsuit involves claims for assault and battery, misfeasance in public office, breach of statutory duty, and negligence.

Mr. Kerr, who now lives in Dallas, Texas, has detailed a litany of alleged abuse during his time spent at institutions in the 1960s and 1970s.

The action is being supported by former Army intelligence officer Colin Wallace.

As well as the plaintiff’s time at Kincora, the case includes claims about his earlier treatment in care at Williamson House in north Belfast and a later period at a borstal in Co Down.

He alleges that he was repeatedly plied with alcohol and sexually assaulted by a number of men.

Court papers set out claims of being taken to hotels in Belfast, Portrush, and Bangor to be abused.

According to his case, he was also attacked while working at horse stables near Larne.

Another alleged incident involved being molested by a former soldier after being sent to his home in west Belfast.

Mr. Kerr further claims he was put on ferries to England, where he was picked up by men and taken to locations in Manchester and London.

All investigations and inquiries to date have failed to expose the full abuse at Kincora, along with the alleged knowledge and role of State agents, he maintains.

His lawyers also claim failures by the Royal Ulster Constabulary to investigate events at the home.

Following Friday’s hearing Mr. Kerr’s solicitor, Kevin Winters expressed frustration at the time taken in legal attempts to have the case stopped.

But he added: “We are encouraged with the judge’s indication that he will ‘move heaven and earth’ to get Richard’s case on, when he can get final justice and closure.”