Bunting’s “Ulster-Scots for Trump” hits the road

Posted By: October 10, 2020

“Reputed anti-Catholic and anti-Black bigots in Northern Ireland organize for Trump … The main organizer, Jolene Bunting, has distinguished  herself  by this statement:“I’m so sick of the poor Catholic bastards; they make me sick. I wish they would just go down to [southern] Ireland, and then they can fly their flags and change the [Irish language] street sign down there.” She  is also  an  alleged admirer of one of the many fanatical racist, anti-Catholic haters in Northern Ireland—the late George Seawright (1951-1987) , whom she reputedly described as “a true Ulster loyalist.” Seawright distinguished himself by his infamous war-cry: ”Burn all Catholics and their priests.
Will Trump repudiate such fanatical, bigoted support?
—Fr. Sean Mc Manus

Brendan Hughes. Irish News. Belfast. Saturday, October 10, 2020

A CONTROVERSIAL unionist ex-councilor’s trailer tour to support re-electing US president Donald Trump has hit the road.

Jolene Bunting had launched an online crowd-funder for her ‘Ulster-Scots for Trump’ campaign in which his supporters plan to tour Northern Ireland with a trailer.

The former Belfast councilor on Thursday evening posted an image on Twitter showing the “Trump trailer” in Carrickfergus.

The trailer displays an image of the US president on a large blue poster entitled ‘Ulster-Scots for Trump’.

It includes a list which reads: “Pro-life; pro-Brexit; pro-borders; pro-Christian; anti-globalist, anti-communist, anti-BLM [Black Lives Matter] and Antifa [short for “anti-fascist”, a loose affiliation of mostly far-left activists]; anti-climate and Covid alarmism.”

The poster concludes: “God bless Donald J Trump.”

Sharing the image, Ms. Bunting tweeted: “The ‘Trump trailer’ has hit the road!”

A video showing the construction of the trailer says supporters “will travel across Northern Ireland showing our support for President Trump”.

A crowdfunding page had included an email address for further enquiries under the name of Wayne Cummings, who is Ms. Bunting’s partner.

The Irish News contacted this email address for comment, but the reply read: “’Ulster-Scots for Trump’ has nothing to say to the lying mainstream media, you are FAKE-NEWS!!!”

Ms Bunting, who has previously caused controversy over her involvement with the far-right group Britain First, lost her seat on Belfast City Council in last year’s council elections.

In 2018, she received a four-month interim suspension from a council standards watchdog pending the outcome of an investigation into 14 complaints.

Her tweets in recent weeks have included a video promoting coronavirus conspiracy theories.

The US presidential election, in which the Republican Party’s Mr. Trump faces Democrat challenger Joe Biden, will take place on November 3.