Posted By: June 28, 2011

McManus’s book is a lightly written account of his campaigns, and he

emerges as an energetic and skilled lobbyist….[a] very readable

book…”. –Irish Times.

“[Fr. Mc Manus] is modest about his success in knocking on and

getting through the doors of the great and the good in American

politics. “It was the song and not the singer; the song being the

message,” he said about his forthcoming book ” — Impartial

Reporter (Fermanagh).

” A widely hailed book”. — Irish Echo.

“A hugely important book.” –The Washington Irish Committee.

” I could not leave the book down since getting my hands on it, and it ranks as

one of the greatest books ever written for Irish freedom. Fr. Mc Manus is unique

in his courage and struggle against all odds particularly as St.Paul says ‘false

brethren’! A priest who worked in Rome, now retired in Ireland.

“A compelling book and story.”
Ray Flynn
Former U.S. Ambassador to The Vatican, Mayor of Boston.

“Fr. Sean’s book, My American Struggle is A MONUMENTUM AERE PERENNIUS:

a monument more lasting than bronze — a phrase used in Horace, Odes, Book


of an immortal work of art or literature.

In his case, I believe, the book is BOTH art and literature.”

Tom Halton, Retired Prof. of Greek and Latin, The Catholic University of America.